
22 Januari 2010

History of Gambling

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Not posting for so long, perhaps only a week old but there is a sense of missed to update my blog. Besides the busy semester at college exams and some demands of work, it is also due to the old hobby that blossomed again (HLBK) that is playing games on a social networking site Facebook is "poker". Games that can spur this adrenaline (waahh lebai .. ) made ​​me complacent and addictions to be able to play (hahahaha. ..), although the chip is up. Game one was listed gambling game that uses the media as a means of cards and betting chips at the poker table, of course this game in cyberspace. But there are also a handful of people make this game as a source of gambling like a real quest to buy and sell chips that owned it offline. This time around I want to trace the beginnings of gambling and its development throughout the world.

The history of gambling has yet to be explained exactly when gambling began to be known by man. According to Cohan (1964), gambling has existed since prehistoric times. Perjudiaan even often regarded as old as human civilization. In the Mahabharata can be seen that the Pandavas became lost kingdom and exiled to the forest for 13 years because it lost in a gambling game against the Kauravas. Gambling behavior in the western world has been known since ancient Greece.

The gamblers are primitive shamans who make predictions into the future by using stones, sticks or animal bones are thrown into the air and fell on the ground. Usually that predicted at that time was the fate of someone in the future. At that fate is determined by the position of the fall of rocks, sticks or bones while landing on the ground. In subsequent developments landing position is regarded as an interest to be at stake.Hewing Alice (in Stanford & Susan, 1996) in his book Something for Nothing: A History of Gambling suggested that the ancient Egyptians are very pleased to bet in a game like that played by the children in the present where they guess the number of fingers two men based on odd or even numbers. The ancient Romans loved the coin-tossing games and lotteries, which learned from China. Ancient Greeks also used the same thing. In addition, they also enjoyed a game of dice. In ancient Rome became very popular dice game. The king like Nero and Claudine took the game of dice as an important part of royal events. But the game of dice to disappear along with the collapse of the Roman empire, and only rediscovered a few centuries later in an Arab fortress named Hazart, during the crusades.After the dice again introduced in Europe around the year 1100an by the former crusade soldier, dice game broke out again. Many of the royal family of England and France who lost gambling place called Hazard (probably taken from the name of the place where the dice are found again). Until the 18th century, Hazard is still popular for kings and travelers in the gamble.In the 14th century, a card game also began to enter Europe, carried by the traveler who comes from China. The first card is made in Europe are made in Italy and contains 78 images of paintings are very beautiful. In the 15th century, France reduced the number of cards to 56 and began to produce cards for all of Europe. At this time the Queen of England, Elizabeth I was introducing lotteries to raise revenues to improve the country's ports.Along with doing the shipping and trade and the discovery of some new continent, the diversity of types of gambling games distributed by the participating merchants and travelers. This condition is increasingly expand gambling options for the type of game that was brought by the traders and travelers is actually just an addition of a kind already known by the local community. With the diversity of types of gambling games and ease of playing the gambling techniques easily and quickly spread all over the world.Types of GamblingStanford Wong and Susan Spector (1996), in the book Gambling Like a Pro, dividing the 5 categories of gambling based on the psychological characteristics of the majority of the gamblers. The five categories are:
Sociable Games

In Sociable Games, everyone win or lose together. Gamblers bet on the tool or media that is determined instead of against one another. In this type of gambling gamblers will often be found conversing with each other, laughing, or even tense. Although obtaining the gamblers want to win, they realize that if they do not get it, at least they've got a good opportunity to try the game. Included in this category are: Dadu, Baccarat, BlackJack, Pai Gow Poker, Let It Ride, American Roulette.

Analytical Games

Analytical games are very attractive to people who have the ability to analyze data and make decisions themselves. Gambling research and this model requires considerable resources and the ability to analyze a variety of events. Included in this category are: Horse Racing, Sports Betting (eg: Football, Racing Car / Motorcycle, etc.).

Games You Can Beat

In games you can beat gamblers are very competitive and eager to win. Gamblers also try extra hard to be able to master the game. Within this category wins gambler menanganggap obtained through the game with great skill and good strategy and can read the opponent's strategy. Gamblers should be able to choose and make decisions appropriately and can distinguish alternatives which conditions should come into play. In short we can say that this type of gambling game is a game designed specifically for gamblers who just concerned with wins. Included in this category are: Blackjack, Poker, Pai Gow Poker, Video Poker, Sports Betting, Horse Racing

Escape from Reality

Everyone basically wants once in a while other than reality. In the game escape from reality, the players who run the slot machines or video games in a long time will feel like a carry over into other realms. The game is not just presenting things interesting but also make gamblers lulled awaiting the results of the unexpected, though a gambler in the end always suffered defeat. Included in this category are: Slot Machines and Video GamesPatience Games

For gamblers who want to relax and not in a hurry to get results, so patience games are the most popular choice. In this model the gamblers gambling waited patiently for the number they have come out. For those waiting times as interesting as the time when they place a bet, started to play or when to end the game. Included in this category are: Lottery, Keno, Bingo.

15 komentar: mengatakan...

betul..hal yang tidak kita sadari kayak gini lah yang bisa menghancurkan bangsa indonesia, mana semangat indonesia yang bercita-cita untuk mensejahterakan rakyat indonesia,,,SWASEMABA,,hehehh kalau uwdah diracuni begini,,memang hncur lah bangsa indo sebentar lagi..komen juga,,ada postingan terbaru

PC Bankai mengatakan...

Wah judi...bisa2 marah nanti bg rhoma...padahal aku juga maen poker...hahahha

attayaya mengatakan...

waaaaaaaaaaa poker asiiiiiiiiikkkkkkkkkkkkk

Laksamana Embun mengatakan...

Permainan yang satu ini memang luar biasa...

ridwan mengatakan...

kekuatan penjudi tidak bisa dipandang sebelah mata. Konon mereka bergentayangan mengatur berbagai skor pertandingan :D

secangkir teh dam sekerat roti mengatakan...

judi juga ada sejarahnya toh

alfi mengatakan...

poker n poker

MMufidLuthfi mengatakan...

keren dah !!!

harto mengatakan...

Ooooo jadi ini toh sejarahnya judiii, kalo sejarah yang negative baiknya ditinggalkan saja, kalo yang positive patut dilestarikan.

Saya jadi teringat apa kata Bung Karno dulu, beliau sering berkata JAS MERAH, JAS MERAH, JAS MERAH artinya JAngan Sekali-kali MElupakan sejaRAH

trims sob atas infonya sukses selalu n tetap semangat

Anonim mengatakan...

mama miaaaa dr dolo mau komeng dsini ga bisa2. Huaaa...maaf py, loh yopy hbs dr las vegas? uhui!! ga ajak2 dew....laen kali kalo ke bulan ajakin aku yaaaaa

attayaya mengatakan...

ada yang ngajak maen halma, ular tangga daripada main judi

cerita ngawur mengatakan...

ada artikel baru boz...silakan jadi koment yang pertama,,,dapet hadiah lho

richo mengatakan...

yah tar kalo maen di tangkep bang pol lagi hehheh...

richo mengatakan...

wah tar kalo maen di tangkep bang pol dunk... heheh salam kenal

Friendship mengatakan...

wah mantep infonya.. :D boleh share ilmu.. n tukar link..

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