
06 Oktober 2009

Overcoming Tricks lemot Symbian phones

  • i
I found this trick from the internet. At the beginning I thought int prankster who just want to joke. But after trying it worked well. Wow! Why yes? I tried this trick on my Nokia N70 phone. Likelihood of success is greater in other types Symbian phones.

Perhaps this secret code from Nokia.

1. First - change all settings to the date or date of 03/04/2005.

2. Go to Menu, then select Office and To-do List.

3. Create a new note with the following conditions:

Subject: Speed

Due date: 04/08/2005

Priority: High

1. Press Done, but do not press Exit.

2. Now create a new another note with the following conditions:

Subject: Quokie

Due date: 04/08/2005

Priority: Low

1. Press Done & Exit to display stand-by.

2. Back into the To-do List.

3. Press Options and select "Mark as Done" (do start from the top notes first)

4. Exit & return the phone date settings as before.

5. Restart / reboot the phone.

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